Tag: Twitter
New Position at LearnKey
Posted on Categories Miscellaneous, Web designA couple of weeks ago, I was offered a new position at work. LearnKey‘s website administrator is leaving the company, so they asked if I would like to take over his job. My official title is Online Content and Social Media Manager.
I’ve spent the last couple of weeks working with the former website admin to learn all the little eccentricities of LearnKey’s website and on Monday I go solo. We’re in the middle of a major site-wide redesign, so I will have plenty of time to become intimately familiar with our website and processes.
I’m still going to be responsible for creating mobile content for LearnKey, but along with the website I am also now partially responsible for LearnKey’s social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
I’m really excited about this new opportunity and the chance to work with some people who have been little more than names and faces to me up until now.
My blog and Twitter
Posted on Categories MiscellaneousAs anyone who has been reading this blog knows, I’ve been trying to get my Web site “out there” more. A couple weeks ago I joined Facebook, and last night I joined Twitter. I just found a cool tool called Twitterfeed, which is supposed to post my blog posts on Twitter. Supposedly, I can also link my Twitter account to Facebook so I can change my Facebook status through Twitter. I tried to set that up last night, but I don’t think it really worked. I’ll have to mess with it more, I guess. I also found a cool tool called AddThis which I’ve added to my blog.