New Newsletter Starting in November
While attempting to learn how to embed a YouTube video on Facebook using Facebook Markup Language, I came across an article on Mashable.com called 4 Elements of a Successful Business Web Presence. The four items listed in the article are:
- The Website
- The Blog
- The Newsletter
- Social Media Accounts
While I have some experience in the first, second, and fourth areas, I have never done a newsletter, so I decided to start one. Beginning in November, I will be sending out an e-mail newsletter around the first of each month to a list of subscribers. Since I am usually busy with my regular job and I’m still getting a toehold on the whole freelance front, I may not always have much to write about. To remedy this, I’m going to double my efforts to find new and interesting projects to work on. The newsletter will also include a list of links to my blog posts for the previous month, and occasionally I may even write summaries of interesting articles I discover relating to graphic/web design and animation.
What this means for me: I need to get up off my couch occasionally, turn off the TV, and finally do some of those projects I’ve been thinking about and planning for months and years.
What this means for you: More blog updates, More cool projects, More tutorials, and More fun!!!!
To subscribe to my new newsletter, just fill out the form in the sidebar.