New Book: “Myths of the World”

I have been working on an ebook for a little while and it just went on sale for the Amazon Kindle. It is called Myths of the World. The book is really a collection of articles which I posted from 2011 to 2012 on my now defunct website mythsoftheworld.blogspot.com. Below is the book’s description:
“Every civilization, no matter how old, has a body of traditional stories which define its culture heritage. Many of these myths and legends have a direct effect on customs and religious traditions within societies. Comprised of articles originally published on mythsoftheworld.blogspot.com, this volume provides a small sample of some of the myths, legends, and folklore from cultures across the world.”
Right now, the book is only available for the Kindle, but I will shortly be making it available in the .epub format, which works for most other e-readers.
Click here to purchase Myths of the World
As a bonus, I am also giving away a free ebook, Plato’s Atlantis, which can be downloaded for Kindle here until January 1, 2014.
“For centuries, the tale of Atlantis has captured the imaginations of millions across the world. Atlantis has been featured in everything from books to films to toys, and the search for the lost continent as been undertaken by some of the best minds humanity has to offer. This volume collects the original source material for the legend, Plato’s dialogue Critias and a selection from Timaeus, translated by nineteen century Oxford scholar Benjamin Jowett.”