Category: Web design
New Design Went Live
Posted on Categories Miscellaneous, Web designMy new Web site design went online early Friday morning, July 30th. Since then, I have discovered a few issues that need resolved, so I suppose it is still a work in progress. I have also been reading about Search Engine Optimization, so I’m working on an xml Sitemap to submit to Google, as well as a couple of other things to make my site more search engine friendly.
Posted on Categories Web designI finally figured out a better way to embed my RSS feed on the main page of my Web site. I discovered a tutorial on www.sitepoint.com that really helped a lot. I was able to adapt the PHP script in the tutorial to my feed and it works great!
Site Screenshot
Posted on Categories Web designStill working on my Web site redesign. The basic layout has been done for a month, but I’ve just been fine-tuning it. I finished the home page and another page yesterday, and I thought I’d post a screenshot of the design. The text on the home page isn’t final, but the layout is. I finally got the RSS feed embedded using a script from rrs2html.com. I’m still exploring other solutions, but this one works well and I may stick with it.
Click on the image below to see a large screenshot of my redesign.

Posted on Categories Web designStill working on my Web site redesign…actually, I’m just getting back to it. I stopped working on it for a while to let my ideas kind of simmer, but now I’ve decided to get back to work and finish it. Right now I’m trying to figure out how to embed the RSS feed from this blog onto my main page. I had it working using a tool I found on the Internet, but the tool must have been upgraded because it stopped working. Maybe I’ll just have to write some code of my own to make it work.
Web site redesign
Posted on Categories Web designA couple of days ago, I started redesigning my Web site. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I just haven’t had time. Also, after spending all day in front of the computer at work, most days the last thing I want to do when I get home is more design work on the computer. I’d rather read or, if I’m going to get on the computer, play Age of Empires or something.
Sterling Scholar Portfolio
Posted on Categories Awards, Miscellaneous, Web designMy Sterling Scholar Portfolio Web site is now finished! I tried to duplicate exactly each page as they were in the original portfolio I created nine years ago. I’ve added a link on my Web Design page, but here is another link to the site.
Online Sterling Scholar portfolio
Posted on Categories Awards, Miscellaneous, Web designI am currently in the process of converting my 1999 Speech and Drama Sterling Scholar portfolio to a Web site. I have wanted to do this project for a while, but I haven’t had the time. I am a little over half done, but I should be done soon. The currently finished portion can already be viewed online here. Some of the background images take a little while to load because I haven’t optimized them for the Web yet. I’m trying to fix that.
This is actually part of a larger project I have been wanting to do which I will call my Wall of Fame. It will be online images of all my awards and certifications.
On a similar note, I noticed a few days ago that the T.W. Jones and Sons Web site is finally up and running. It can be found at www.twjoneshay.com. The Pastry Pub Web site has also been up and running for a few weeks at www.cedarcitypastrypub.com.
Awards Banquet
Posted on Categories Awards, Web designLast night was the SUU Awards banquet where I was given the award for Outstanding Information Systems Student for 2007-2008, as I mentioned previously that I was receiving. I was so busy with preparing to present our e-Business Web sites to the board and preparing for the banquet that I didn’t get a chance to do my daily image! Oh, well.
I’m working on a new section for my Web site with the working title of Wall-of-Fame. It will be a list with thumbnails of various awards I have received, as well as trainings and certifications I have completed. When It is finished, a scan of my award certificate will be there. Perhaps I’ll get one up on here before then.
eBusiness Systems
Posted on Categories Web designOur second Web site for eBusiness Systems, T.W. Jones & Sons, is now online at a temporary hosting location. Most of the design was done by another member of my group, but the title was created by me. I also created a couple of basic design ideas for this Web site, but this one was chosen instead.
Here are the basic comps I created:
eBusiness Systems Web site
Posted on Categories Web designI am currently working with two other students on two Web sites as part of my college eBusiness Systems class. One of them is for the Pastry Pub in Cedar City, and the other is for T.W. Jones & Sons in Beryl. The Pastry Pub site is currently being hosted here, but when it is finished we will be migrating it to its own domain. The other one is not currently being hosted, but is only on a local drive at the school.