Year: 2009
Completed Some Initial Flash Drawings
Posted on Categories Animation, IllustrationI’ve completed some initial Flash drawings for my animated short. The first one is a fighter belonging to an alien race known as the Resaleyn, the second is the Resaleyn Empire’s flag, and the third is a member of an alien race known as the Browns. These images are just my first Flash drawings, so they may change a little with the progression of my animation.
I’m heading out of town for work for the next two weeks, so hopefully I’ll get some time while I’m gone to do more.
New Blog Theme Installed
Posted on Categories Web designOver the past week, I have been working on a theme for my blog so that it would match my Web site, and now I am finished! I have never created a Blog theme before, so there may be some bugs…Please, everyone, let me know if you find one…
Resuming Work on My Animation
Posted on Categories AnimationA while back I announced that I would be creating a series of 3d animated shorts. Due to my Web site redesign and other factors, this project got pushed to the side for a little while. Last night, I resumed work on this project, with a significant change. I have changed the nature of this project from 3d animation to more traditional animation using Flash. Eventually, I will do a mixture of the two, but for now I’m going this route.
I began creating the first images last night. I will post some of them when I get farther along. I’m still working on some of the concept art, so many of the designs aren’t finalized.
My blog and Twitter
Posted on Categories MiscellaneousAs anyone who has been reading this blog knows, I’ve been trying to get my Web site “out there” more. A couple weeks ago I joined Facebook, and last night I joined Twitter. I just found a cool tool called Twitterfeed, which is supposed to post my blog posts on Twitter. Supposedly, I can also link my Twitter account to Facebook so I can change my Facebook status through Twitter. I tried to set that up last night, but I don’t think it really worked. I’ll have to mess with it more, I guess. I also found a cool tool called AddThis which I’ve added to my blog.
Comments Now Allowed
Posted on Categories MiscellaneousI decided a couple of days ago to allow users to comment on my blog. In an effort to maintain the integrity of my blog, comments can only be added by registered users and comments are reviewed by myself before being posted. Inappropriate, irrelevant, obscene, or offensive comments will not be approved.
SEO and Facebook
Posted on Categories Miscellaneous, Web designIn an effort to get my web site “out there” more, I have spent the last week researching Search Engine Optimization. I submitted a sitemap to Google, and I also created a Facebook fan page for my site. This required me to actually join Facebook, which I’ve been a little resistant to. My wife is pleased.
New Design Went Live
Posted on Categories Miscellaneous, Web designMy new Web site design went online early Friday morning, July 30th. Since then, I have discovered a few issues that need resolved, so I suppose it is still a work in progress. I have also been reading about Search Engine Optimization, so I’m working on an xml Sitemap to submit to Google, as well as a couple of other things to make my site more search engine friendly.
Posted on Categories Web designI finally figured out a better way to embed my RSS feed on the main page of my Web site. I discovered a tutorial on www.sitepoint.com that really helped a lot. I was able to adapt the PHP script in the tutorial to my feed and it works great!
Site Screenshot
Posted on Categories Web designStill working on my Web site redesign. The basic layout has been done for a month, but I’ve just been fine-tuning it. I finished the home page and another page yesterday, and I thought I’d post a screenshot of the design. The text on the home page isn’t final, but the layout is. I finally got the RSS feed embedded using a script from rrs2html.com. I’m still exploring other solutions, but this one works well and I may stick with it.
Click on the image below to see a large screenshot of my redesign.

Posted on Categories Web designStill working on my Web site redesign…actually, I’m just getting back to it. I stopped working on it for a while to let my ideas kind of simmer, but now I’ve decided to get back to work and finish it. Right now I’m trying to figure out how to embed the RSS feed from this blog onto my main page. I had it working using a tool I found on the Internet, but the tool must have been upgraded because it stopped working. Maybe I’ll just have to write some code of my own to make it work.