Year: 2008
CCG Recruiting Film
Posted on Categories CCG, Film, PrintIn Centurium Consulting Group (CCG), my team is designing an ad campaign to recruit students to join CCG next year. We are making a short film explaining a little about CCG, as well as a poster and fliers. I finished the poster and fliers last week, and we finished the filming today.
On Monday next week, there will be a panel of judges who will decide which group has the best campaign, and on Wednesday and Friday we will present our film to various Communications and Art classes around SUU.
Daily Image – Day 3
Posted on Categories Daily Image, Digital artClick the thumbnail to view the changes from yesterday’s image.
Daily Image – Day 2
Posted on Categories Daily Image, Digital artClick on the thumbnail below to see the change to yesterday’s image.
SUU IS Award
Posted on Categories AwardsI received a letter from SUU today informing me that I am receiving an award on April 17th. Apparently, I have been named SUU’s Outstanding Information Systems Student for 2007-2008. There is a presentation and banquet that I have to attend where my award will be presented.
Daily Image – Day 1
Posted on Categories Daily Image, Digital artAs I mentioned before my Blog disappeared, I am working on a personal project, where I am taking an image and every day I will add something to it to make it look cooler. I’m not shooting for a final image that looks realistic, I just want to make a digital composite and see what I end up with.
Here is a thumbnail of the image I started with yesterday. Click on the thumbnail for a larger view.
Later today I will post today’s image.
eBusiness Systems Web site
Posted on Categories Web designI am currently working with two other students on two Web sites as part of my college eBusiness Systems class. One of them is for the Pastry Pub in Cedar City, and the other is for T.W. Jones & Sons in Beryl. The Pastry Pub site is currently being hosted here, but when it is finished we will be migrating it to its own domain. The other one is not currently being hosted, but is only on a local drive at the school.
Up and running (I hope)
Posted on Categories MiscellaneousHello all! I got on my blog this morning and the entire thing was just gone! Not even my database was there anymore, so I’m beginning again fresh. Hopefully this will still be here tomorrow.
Maybe it’s just some cruel April Fools joke. If so, I’m not amused.