Year: 2008
SketchUp Models
Posted on Categories 3d, Architectural Designs, MiscellaneousA while back, I mentioned Google SketchUp, and I have decided to post the renderings of the house plans I created using SketchUp. They are just bare-bones walls, as I have moved on to other projects without finishing them, but here they are:
3d film
Posted on Categories 3d, AnimationYesterday, I decided to take all the story ideas I’ve had floating around in my head since I was fourteen and create a series of animated shorts using 3ds Max. I began the initial character modeling last night. Due to the extensive nature of this project, this will take a while, but I will post updates every so often as I go. I am also going to create a section of my site devoted completely to this project.
Posted on Categories Digital art, Miscellaneous, PhotographyAbout a week ago, I discovered an image editing program called Paint.NET. It was originally a college project meant to create a program to replace Microsoft Paint, but has grown into a full-fledged photo editor, supposedly rivaling Photoshop and PaintShop Pro.
While I haven’t had much time to test this claim, I like what I have seen so far. For my first experience with the program, I attempted to cut out a picture of a buffalo using the Magic Wand tool, and I actually got a better result than I did doing the same thing with the same picture in Photoshop. One thing I like about Photoshop is all the filters, but Paint.NET has plug-ins which can be downloaded which may do the same things. I haven’t had a chance to look through them yet.
While I love Photoshop, Paint.NET definitely has one advantage: the cost. It’s pretty hard to beat Free.
Google SketchUp
Posted on Categories 3d, MiscellaneousA co-worker recently introduced me to Google SketchUp, a 3d modeling tool designed for ease of use so anyone off the street can create 3d models. I haven’t got into it too far, but what I’ve done I really like. It’s definitely not up to the high standards of 3ds Max or Maya, but it is fun to play around with, and a really good artist could probably make static 3d models up to their standards. One benefit of SketchUp is the 3d Warehouse Google maintains. Just about anything you can think of can be found in the 3d Warehouse, each model created by users and downloadable for free.
I’ve been playing with it modeling a house plan I designed a couple of years ago. It’s fun to see the 2d blueprints take shape and turn into a real 3d model. When I am finished, I will post a couple of different angles on the 3d page of my Web site.
Sterling Scholar Portfolio
Posted on Categories Awards, Miscellaneous, Web designMy Sterling Scholar Portfolio Web site is now finished! I tried to duplicate exactly each page as they were in the original portfolio I created nine years ago. I’ve added a link on my Web Design page, but here is another link to the site.
Online Sterling Scholar portfolio
Posted on Categories Awards, Miscellaneous, Web designI am currently in the process of converting my 1999 Speech and Drama Sterling Scholar portfolio to a Web site. I have wanted to do this project for a while, but I haven’t had the time. I am a little over half done, but I should be done soon. The currently finished portion can already be viewed online here. Some of the background images take a little while to load because I haven’t optimized them for the Web yet. I’m trying to fix that.
This is actually part of a larger project I have been wanting to do which I will call my Wall of Fame. It will be online images of all my awards and certifications.
On a similar note, I noticed a few days ago that the T.W. Jones and Sons Web site is finally up and running. It can be found at www.twjoneshay.com. The Pastry Pub Web site has also been up and running for a few weeks at www.cedarcitypastrypub.com.
Posted on Categories Miscellaneous, PrintI graduated from SUU on Saturday! Yay!!!
Here is my announcement (which has actually been on my Print page for a while since I designed it myself):
Daily Images Recap
Posted on Categories Daily ImageDue to time demands, I have decided to stop creating the Daily Image for now. Obviously I haven’t posted one for several days, and between finals week coming up and trying to finish up everything before the semester ends so I can graduate, I just haven’t been able to work on the Daily Images.
Here is a recap of all the daily images I created:
Awards Banquet
Posted on Categories Awards, Web designLast night was the SUU Awards banquet where I was given the award for Outstanding Information Systems Student for 2007-2008, as I mentioned previously that I was receiving. I was so busy with preparing to present our e-Business Web sites to the board and preparing for the banquet that I didn’t get a chance to do my daily image! Oh, well.
I’m working on a new section for my Web site with the working title of Wall-of-Fame. It will be a list with thumbnails of various awards I have received, as well as trainings and certifications I have completed. When It is finished, a scan of my award certificate will be there. Perhaps I’ll get one up on here before then.
Daily Image – Day 13
Posted on Categories Daily Image, Digital artHere is the image for today: