The 10 Best iPad Jailbreak Apps and Tweaks
While the iPad is useful for many things, it’s also limited by the built-in restrictions created by Apple. To overcome these restrictions an app called Cydia has been created, which provides a pseudo app store for unauthorized tweaks and apps. Cydia is not available in the regular app store, but can be downloaded for free from www.jailbreakme.com.
For those choosing to go this route, I have put together a list of the top ten apps for jailbroken iPads. This list is compiled from lists created by several other Web sites. From those lists, I chose the apps which appeared most often for this list of top ten jailbreak apps.
1. SBSettings (Free)
Using Activator (see #5), SBSettings creates a handy user interface for frequently-changed settings, such as turning on and off Bluetooth.
2. iFile ($4)
iFile is a file manager and viewer for your iPad’s file system. It allows you to have direct access to the files and folders in iOS and allows you to attach files to email.
3. Winterboard (Free)
Winterboard allows you to change and modify themes on your iPad, even allowing the customization of app icons.
4. RetinaPad ($2.99)
RetinaPad is a handy app when you have apps on your iPad which were only built for the iPhone. RetinaPad smoothes the graphics of the apps, so they aren’t pixelated when blown up to iPad size.
5. Activator (Free)
Activator is an app which allows you to create gesture shortcuts. With this app, you can assign gestures to different apps or actions and increase the usability of the touchpad interface.
6. Infinifolders ($0.99)
Infinifolders was designed to overcomes Apple’s 12-app limit inside folders. With Infinifolders, you can put as many apps as you want inside a single folder.
7. FullForce (Free)
This app does just what the name suggests. It forces applications to show in fullscreen iPad mode, even when they aren’t certified as compatible.
8. PDF Patcher 2 (Free)
To Jailbreak your iPad, Cydia exploits a vulnerability in the way iPads handle PDF files. This tweak fixes that vulnerability so hackers can’t take advantage of it.
9. LockInfo ($7.99)
LockInfo provides on-screen access to certain information, even when your iPad’s screen is locked.
10. CyDelete (Free)
CyDelete provides an easy way to uninstall apps installed using Cydia by placing a black X in the corner, just as if they were regular iPad apps.